Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time to take off the floaties...

Recently, as this Texas girl has been learning to ski, I’ve had some flashbacks to some of my earliest memories, especially where my parents were trying to teach me something, such as how to ride a bike or how to swim. As my husband waits patiently for me to carefully (therefore, slowly and timidly) make my way down a run skiing, I think back to my parents and learning how to swim. I would start on one end and they would be a few feet away, slowly backing up so I would have to swim a little farther each time, but never too far that if I started to freak out they wouldn’t be right there to catch me. Skiing’s the same way now, 20 years later. Now (even as much as I want to) I don’t ski between someone’s legs or on a rope to guide me like the little kids do, I do have to experience it on my own, or else I'll never get it. Andy waits for me, skiing a little farther and farther down so I don’t stop, but keep going instead. Yet, even though he is challenging me in my fear (heading straight down a mountain going 100mph), if I were to fall or something, he would be right there to help me up.   Just knowing that helps in my confidence to even try.

Crazy enough, God is the exact same way, but even more so. He so desires us to have this incredible life and relationship with Him. Throughout our life situations and circumstances he is pushing us and breaking us to bring us closer to him. It seems so hard at times, like the end goal is impossible. We just want to quit – give up. We don’t want to go on, because really, is it even worth it? God however, is standing right there as the ultimate parent, the ultimate Savior.  We may fall, yes, but he is right there to pick us back up and tell us to keep going. He sustains us. He gives us strength. He allows us to carry on, even when the “impossible” looms in front of us.

“11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” 
Phil. 4:11-13

May our God of salvation, strength and contentment be ever so present in your lives, so that you may rejoice in his ultimate comfort and provision. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"See I am doing a new thing."

“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland…
To give drink to My people, My chosen,
the people I formed for Myself
that they may proclaim My praise.”
Isaiah 43:18-21

This Bible verse caught my eye for a couple reasons:

1. Especially at New Year, I get excited for new beginnings and the thought of leaving the past in the past.
2. At Peace there always seem s to be a sense of change in the air, not change regarding our Unchangeable God, but new spins on presenting the eternal Word and engaging believers in living out our faith.

“New” often means challenging and risky. I am a traditional girl myself and change is hard and sometimes uncomfortable for me. But if a new change will reach those not being reached by the church today, if it means my children’s peers and my grandchildren’s friends will know Jesus, then I welcome change for their sakes. I already know my Savior… they don’t. Might a new change be God’s way of “making streams in the wasteland to give drink to His people”?

Whether we are a person who embraces new things as exciting opportunities, or a person who dreads even more change and what it will mean in our life, (I’m a little of both), we all can agree that God leads or allows new situations in life. “See I am doing a new thing.” Sometimes it brings fear and discomfort. Sometimes it brings hope and confidence. But each new path has been lovingly and carefully chosen for us to take by a God who knows our today and our tomorrow. Can we walk with trust the new path He bought us to? I hope so.

Polly Wegner
Dir. of Discipleship