Thursday, December 22, 2011


“The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.” (Psalm 145:13) Faithfulness is God’s dependability in action. All the time God is allegiant, dedicated, devoted, loyal, loving and steadfast to us.

We respond to His faithful acts with words of praise and thanksgiving and by mirroring His actions. The definition of faithful is “A firm adherence to the truth; loyalty; constant in performance of duties or service.”

Faithfulness is passing along the faith – the Good News that Jesus is Lord and Savior. Though it may seem our contribution is insignificant, our faithful actions are indeed significant. Our faithful telling and retelling of the mighty acts of a dependable God is important – even critical. “One generation will commend your works to another, they will tell of your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4). In 2 Timothy we are reminded, “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power of love and of self-discipline.” (v. 7) No one individual’s place is insignificant.

Day by day, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we grow in our knowledge of God’s faithfulness and the ways He faithfully works in us and through us to touch the lives of others with His love and care. God’s faithfulness to us, and ours to Him, draws us in an even deeper relationship with our Lord and with one another.

To that end we pray as did Richard of Chichester, an English bishop of the 16th century: “Day by day, dear Lord of Thee, three things I pray: to see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly, day by day.”