Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Resurrection Appearances

Here is a quick Bible study and discussion piece to do with your family or guests on Easter (or anytime).  These references attest to the physical resurrection appearances of Jesus.  It doesn’t take long to look each one up.  Just share your impressions of each encounter and move on to the next text.  This list will provide lots of opportunities for discussion in your home this Easter:

Physical Resurrection Appearances of Jesus
Event                                           Place                                       Scripture
The Empty Tomb                   Jerusalem                                Matthew 28: 1-8
To Mary Magdalene              Garden, Jerusalem                   Mark 16: 9-11
To other women                     Jerusalem                                Matthew 28: 9-10
Two people at Emmaus          Road to Emmaus                    Mark 16: 12-13
To Peter                                  Jerusalem                                Luke 24: 34
10 Disciples, Upper Room     Jerusalem                                John 20: 19-25
11 Disciples, Upper Room     Jerusalem                                Mark 16: 14
7 Disciples, fishing                Sea of Galilee                          John 21: 1-14
11 Disciples on mountain      Galilee                                     Matthew 28:  16-20
More than 500 people            Unknown                                1 Corinthians 15: 6
To James                                Unknown                                1 Corinthians 15: 7
Disciples at His Ascension    Mount of Olives                      Acts 1: 3-9
To Paul                                   Damascus                                Acts 9: 1-19

He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed.  Alleluia!
Polly Wegner
Dir. of Discipleship