Max Lucado
tells the story of a woman in a small town who was a single mother with a frail
sick baby. Her neighbor stopped by every
few days and cared for the infant so the mom could do her needed errands. After some weeks the neighbor shared more
than time; she shared her faith, and the mom became a Christian. Friends of the young mother objected:
"Do you know what you are doing, what Christians stand for?" they
contested. "Here is what I
know," she told them. "They
held my baby."
To extend
Christ's love to our neighbor sometimes is as easy as holding a baby. We don't have to have a theological answer
for every question in society. Just be
nice. Another quote (I wish I could
credit who first said it) says “Don’t tell me what a friend I have in Jesus
until I see what a friend I have in you.”
Seeing a need and meeting it in the name of Jesus is the mark of a
disciple following Jesus' example.
Wegner, Director of Discipleship
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